Stewartville Public Schoolss

Stewartville Public Schools


Stewartville Public Schools; ISD 534
Aim: Efficient and Effective Operations
Goal: Promote fiscal responsibility
Processes: Budget Planning and Development

The annual budget shall be based upon the needs of the School District and the reasonable needs of the community in relation to the financial ability of the School District to supports its schools.
The Superintendent and/or Director of Business Services shall prepare an estimate of the schools’ needs. In formulating the budget, all expenditure items should be considered in their relationship to the total school program. Requisition for major purchases, repairs, or staffing increases shall be submitted in connection with the annual budget requests. Emergency requests shall be placed before the School Board for a decision.

The Superintendent andlor Director of Business Services shall determine the manner in which the annual School District budget is compiled and issue instruction to the staff. He/she shall also establish a time schedule for the preparation of the budget. This time schedule shall include when the Superintendent andlor Director of Business Services present the proposed budget to the School Board.

The annual School District budget shall be based on the aims and goals of the schools in the form of needs identified by the school and community. The budget shall reflect the prioritized needs of the School District and Sites within the financial limitations of the School District. Each site must establish a team of staff and parents/citizens to develop their site budgets and, therefore, become a participant in the total process.
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