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- Back to School 2024-25
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- 2024-25 District Calendar
- 2024-25 Weekly Rotation Calendar
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- Parent/Student Handbook
- Disciplinary Process Complaint Form
- Teachers on Call (TOC)
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year!To get started, be sure to read the “start-of-school letter” linked HERE “Meet-the-Teacher Days” for all elementary students will be:
The first day of classes for:
School Hours: 8:10am to 2:50pm (students may arrive starting at 7:45am) Schedule Meet-the-Teacher Appointment: Please schedule your appointment at: https://ptcfast.com/schools/Bonner_Elementary Mandatory Forms Required Forms These forms are required and will need to be turned in the day of your appointment:
As Needed Forms Note: It is strongly recommended and encouraged that all families still fill out an application. If approved, these applications can help offset the cost of meals at school. In addition, these applications may provide access for your family and the School District to financial support through State, County, and local programs. The only way to receive many of these supports is to fill out an application. Your application also helps our School District quality for educational funds and discounts.
School Pictures Students are asked to NOT WEAR GREEN clothing due to the use of “green screen” technology during their portrait sitting. Portraits will be taken by Jostens SchoolPix again this year. Parents are welcome to order/purchase photos, but are not obligated to do so. Please see this link for ordering information. Note: If you would like a class photo, you must order one. This school year there will be a yearbook year. More details to come soon. If you would like to order a yearbook, click HERE In-City School Bus Schedules are linked below (if unavailable, please check back soon). You will find a bus stop schedule for the whole district and one just for elementary students.
Checklists Contact Info, Daycare Providers, etc. Also, please let us know ASAP if your child has a new daycare provider or if you are discontinuing one so we can add/remove busing to that location, as well. Keeping your phone numbers, email addresses, etc. up-to-date is important to ensure you receive Skylert messages that are sent out, and so we are able to reach you in case of an emergency.
For Your Reference: You may also wish to check the following:
For further information, please check our Bonner Parent/Student Handbook. We look forward to seeing all of you on our “Meet-the-Teacher Days”, and to welcoming our students on our first day of school, Thursday, September 5th! (Please note that this information may need to be updated if protocols change as we near the start of school) |