Welcome to Bonner Elementary School
526 5th Avenue SE Stewartville, MN  55976 | Phone: 507-533-1500 | Fax: 507-533-4836

Bonner Elementary is a kindergarten through second-grade school offering high-quality education to approximately 450 students. Our classes have an average size of 18 to 24 students, depending on the grade level. Over 70 dedicated staff members help meet students’ needs in all academic areas, including music, art, physical education, media services, and special education. Bonner incorporates a dedicated system of support called W.I.N. (“What I Need”) to ensure all students receive the individual academic support needed to be successful. Bonner also has health-office services, as well as other social-emotional support specialists available for students and families in need of special services. Bonner uses a Positive Behavior Support System called R.O.A.R. which stands for “Respect Others, Act Responsibly”. Before- and after-school care, called Tiger Time, is available to registered families, as well as nutritious breakfast and lunch programs. Bonner is truly a rich community of learners, and it takes this entire community to ensure the learning success for all children. We have high expectations for behavior, learning, and teaching, and believe our warm, nurturing learning environment makes Bonner Elementary a great place to be!

School Hours: 8:10 am – 2:50 pm | Office Hours: 7:00 am – 3:45 pm 

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