Staff members will submit their own claims for reimbursement for travel and other reimbursable expenses. Forms are available at the principal’s office and must be coded and signed by the principal before submitting them to the district office.

To submit a claim for travel expenses, please use the Personal Travel Expense Claim Form. School vehicles should be used for travel whenever possible. If a school vehicle is available, mileage reimbursement will be one-half of the mileage submitted.

Receipts must be attached for all meals, lodging, and any other expenses other than mileage. The School Board voted to maintain the meal limits as follows:

Breakfast/Lunch $25.00
Dinner $25.00

Any meals turned in for reimbursement that exceeds these limits, will be reduced. The above meal limits do not apply to state and national conventions. Meal reimbursements that do not include an overnight stay are taxable income.

All other claims for reimbursement should be made using the Expense Claim/Check Request Form.  Prior approval must be obtained before making a purchase for which a request for reimbursement will be made. Receipts must be attached for any purchases made over $1.00. Sales tax cannot be reimbursed by the district. (Do not use this form for stipend pay).

Reimbursements for travel expenses and other reimbursements are done through payroll on the 15th and last day of the month. The reimbursements will show up as separate items on your paycheck. Items that are taxable to you will also be shown separately from nontaxable items.

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