Transportation Consequences… Bus representative issues a Bus Conduct Report
1st offense: Warning with verbal and written notification given to parent/guardian
  1. Bus representative will contact the parent by phone and refer bus conduct report to school administrator
  2. School administrator or designee will conference with student and send home a copy of the bus conduct report form
2nd offense: 1-3 school day suspension from riding a school bus
  1. Bus representative will contact the parent by phone and refer bus conduct report to school administrator
  2. School administrator or designee will contact parent and conference with the student to review the policy regarding their riding privileges
  3. School administrator or designee will advise bus representative of action and send a copy of the bus conduct report form to the parent/guardian and bus contractor
3rd offense: 3-5 school day suspension from riding a school bus
  1. Bus representative will contact the parent by phone and refer bus conduct report to school administrator
  2. School administrator or designee will contact parent and conference with the student to review the policy regarding their riding privileges
  3. Student and parent/guardian must meet with bus representative and school administrator or designee before student is able to ride the bus again
  4. A copy of the bus conduct report form is sent to the parent/guardian and bus contractor
Offenses: Each case is individually considered.
Students may be suspended for longer periods of time, including the remainder of the year.

Note: When a student goes 60 calendar days without a Bus Conduct Report, the student consequences may start over at the first offense.

Other Discipline
Based on the severity of a student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time. Depending on the nature of the offense; consequences, such as suspension or expulsion from school, may also result from school bus/bus stop misconduct. Students damaging school buses will be responsible to pay for damages to the bus company.

NOTICE: Minnesota Law states that transportation by school bus is a privilege, not a right.


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