Core Values, Big Questions, and Bold Steps

As part of Stewartville Pubic Schools’ strategic action planning process, we have identified Core Values, Big Questions, and Bold Steps for moving our school district forward in ensuring we are providing our students with the excellent educational opportunities they deserve.

Core Values
Core Values form the foundation on which we perform our work and conduct ourselves.  These core values become the guiding principles and behaviors that embody how our organization and its people are expected to operate.  Our core values will guide us in the quest to accomplish our mission and attain our vision.  The core values will underlie all of the decisions we make regarding priorities goals, strategies, and actions.

By modeling the character traits of trust and honesty, we create a respectful environment that embraces ethical principles.
By building a foundation of empathy and open communication, we nurture a culture of collaboration and teamwork.
By taking ownership of our actions and decisions, we demonstrate commitment and accountability to our communities.

Big Questions
If we want the best solutions, we need to begin by asking the right questions.  Posing big questions is an approach to phrasing our need statement to invite a broad exploration of potential solutions.  These big questions are based on the context in which we operate.  These issues are so significant that responses are necessary for our future success.

How do we engage students and align our programs with the changing needs of the future?
How do we engage our community stakeholders to better understand the resources necessary to meet the evolving needs of our students and schools?
How do we plan for and fund facility needs?
How will we work together to prepare for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead while fostering a positive, collaborative climate?
In what ways will we educate, prepare, and support all learners for success in their future?

Bold Steps
Bold steps ground our vision in specific initiatives to move us toward achieving our goals.  The bold steps take into consideration the context in which we work and the big questions we have.  Bold steps provide a springboard for planning, can be realistically accomplished, and are actionable.

We will communicate and engage with our communities and stakeholders to inform and educate them about our work in a clear and concise manner.
We will assess district facilities, establish and implement a facilities plan, and gain community support as necessary.
We will develop and implement educational programming and opportunities that are aligned with career trends in technical and trade fields.
We will implement positive behavior expectations, norms, and interventions across the district.

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