Stewartville Public Schoolss

Stewartville Public Schools


The School District acknowledges that some students may require prescribed medication during the school day.  The School District’s licensed school nurse, trained health services staff or teacher (on a school field trip) will administer prescribed medications in accordance with law and School District procedures.

District Medication Policy #516

  1. School personnel can only give medication with the written order of a healthcare provider that is licensed to prescribe and with the written consent of the parent/guardian. This includes any dosage changes.

  2. Prescription medication must include both a parent’s and physician’s signature.  All permission forms cover the current school year and will need to be renewed each fall.

  3. Requests to administer over-the-counter medications that exceed package recommendations or contain aspirin require a parent and physician’s signature. 

  4. Requests to administer over-the-counter medications within package recommendations require a parent’s signature.

  5. All medication is parent-provided and must be brought to the health office by a parent/guardian or another responsible adult in its original, unopened container.  No baggies or plastic containers will be accepted.

  6. Prescription medication must be brought to school in an original container labeled by the pharmacy. The following must be on the label:
         Child’s full name
         Name and dosage of the medication
         Time and directions of the medication
         Licensed Prescriber’s name
         Current date

  7. Students requiring immediate access to certain medications may be allowed to self-administer with parental and physician permission (asthma inhalers and epi-pens). Self-administration also requires a student/nurse agreement (addresses school policies, safety, dosing, and medication teaching). 

  8. Self-administration of (over-the-counter) non-prescription pain medication (i.e. acetaminophen, ibuprofen) is allowed for secondary students in 7th grade-12th grade. A medication authorization form signed by the parent is required for over-the-counter medication.

  9. Mixed doses in a single container will not be accepted for use at school (for example 5mg and 10mg tablets in the same bottle.)

  10. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to notify the school in writing to discontinue medication administration.

  11. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to maintain an adequate supply of their child’s medication.  We will attempt to notify parents/guardians via note, phone, or email when medications are running low. 

  12. The school will not send ANY medication home with students. At the end of the year, parents will be notified of the amount of medication remaining.  Parents can arrange for pick up or disposal of medication.  Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of.


Medication administered at school is to be kept in the health office.  Exceptions are students who may carry an asthma inhaler or EpiPen if they have a written doctor’s order and written parental permission to do so.  Secondary students may carry over-the-counter medication if written parental consent to do so is given.  

Field Trips and Off-Campus Activities

Medication administration is delegated to a teacher or other staff member for off-campus activities. All students who self-administer/self-carry their medications are responsible for bringing them to all off-campus activities.

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