Purchase orders are required for all purchases made. Below is the procedure that should be followed when placing orders. Any material not ordered in this manner will become the responsibility of the person who orders the delivery.

1. Purchase Order Requests: Employees will enter their orders through the SMART Systems SMARTer website. Please click on one of the links to the right to see the instructions for this process. Be sure to include an item number and description, the code it is to be charged to and a note indicating if you want the order placed for you. After the order request has been transferred into a purchase order and the order approved by a supervisor, the order can be placed by mailing or faxing the purchase order to the company. Purchase orders will be so written so that shipment is made to the respective schools and billing is made to the business office.

Orders by telephone are not allowed unless there is an approved purchase order before the order is called in. Be sure to give the vendor the purchase order number when the order is placed. Indicate on the P.O. that the order was phoned in, so as not to duplicate the order.

2. Packing slips: Once an item comes, it is not to be taken from the office area until the office staff has had an opportunity to check the packing slip to see that all items ordered have been received.

Occasionally, packages may be delivered directly to the department where it is ordered from. Check for packing slips, and return them to the business office.

3. Invoices: Most invoices are mailed directly to the business services department in the district office. Occasionally, invoices get mailed directly to the employee who placed the order, or are included in the shipped packages. If an employee receives an invoice, it should be submitted to the district office for payment.

4. Check Request Forms: Occasionally, items need to be ordered from companies that do no accept purchase orders. In these instances, a Check Request Form should be submitted along with the order form to your building principal. After approval, it will be sent to the business office where a check will be written and mailed. A Check Request Form is a substitute for a purchase order. Therefore, a Check Request Form and a purchase order should not both be completed for the same order.

5.  Credit Card:  If you want to place an order from a vendor that does not accept purchase orders or checks, you can request to use the credit card in your building principal’s office by completing the Credit Card Use Form.

6.  Amazon.com Orders:  

To order from Amazon you would follow the process above to request a purchase order.  However you will also need to login to Amazon to put the items in a cart that you wish to order.  You would need to contact the building admin asst to obtain the login for Amazon for that school.  Once you login you put all of the items in a cart.  When you are ready to check out you will need to enter the po # (the po # is emailed to you once the po is created; it is not the requisition number); comments is optional and click on continue.  In the Deliver To: be sure to put your name and then click on Deliver to this address.  Choose your shipping options and click on Continue.  Choose the Pay By Invoice option for a payment method and click on continue.  Finally Submit order for approval.  Once you do this I receive an email and I am able to place the order once your po has been approved by the building administrator.  

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