Stewartville Public Schools
English and Language Arts

Goal: Stewartville Public Schools will prepare students to share ideas, feelings, and information in various ways. Effective communication techniques taught in Language Arts classes and courses will teach our students to send and receive information in a clear, thoughtful manner and to use related knowledge and contexts to synthesize information into meaningful messages.
Curriculum Overview

In the fall of 2019, the Fountas & Pinnell Classroom curriculum was implemented.  FPC is a cohesive, multi-text approach to literacy instruction for all students in grades K–5. The System is designed to support whole-group, small-group and independent learning opportunities including interactive read-aloud, reading minilessons, shared reading, phonics/spelling/word study lessons, guided reading, book clubs, and independent reading collections.  Fountas & Pinnell Classroom™ is rich with authentic texts, lessons or conferring cards, minilessons, and professional tools & learning for a systematic, transformative approach to literacy instruction. Fountas & Pinnell’s Leveled Literacy Instruction curriculum is used as a reading intervention, for students requiring additional instruction and assistance in order to become more successful readers.

Middle School English

Middle school English explores all aspects of written and spoken communication. We currently are using the Collections textbook but supplement it with a wide variety of outside resources and novels. Students learn how to use different sentence structures and techniques to adapt their writing for multiple purposes, including persuasive, narrative, and informative. They are provided opportunities to communicate their writing and their ideas orally through discussions, debates, poetry recitations, and speeches. Students are exposed to a variety of texts including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry. A love of reading, writing, and speaking is encouraged and fostered through choice and opportunity.

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