Type III Driver Certification

Attention Staff Members:

If you want to transport students in any of our district-owned Type III vehicles you must receive training and certification annually.

Type III vehicles are the school vans and school car.

The certifications are:
Type III pre-trip evaluation
Type III behind-the-wheel evaluation
Type III driver evaluator certification
And complete a student conduct/students with special needs survey. (appendix E)

Below you will find the training presentation provided by the Minnesota State Patrol/Dept. of Public Safety/Office of Pupil Transportation. First, review the presentation. Once you have reviewed the presentation, print the forms packet and complete the Notification/Acknowledgement Form and Appendix E – Student Conduct Survey (true/false ?s).
Return the packet to Carol Skyhawk and schedule a behind-the-wheel evaluation.

If you wish to be certified to drive the activity bus (Type A vehicle); please refer to the Type A certification link on the left.
Note: If you are certified to drive the activity bus, you are certified for all district-owned vehicles (vans, car and bus).

Contact: Carol Skyhawk, Coordinator of School Vehicles
533-1440 or email: carol.skyhawk@ssdtigers.org

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